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Dataset containing individual items answers of SLCS questionnaire. They were obtained during 2020 study on Polish incidental sample.




A data frame with 103 rows and 19 variables


identity anonimized with 'ids::adjective_animal'


sex of the participant ('M'ale, 'F'emale or 'O'ther)


age of the participant (15--68)

SLCS_1, SLCS_2, SLCS_3, SLCS_4, SLCS_5, SLCS_6, SLCS_7, SLCS_8, SLCS_9, SLCS_10, SLCS_11, SLCS_12, SLCS_13, SLCS_14, SLCS_15, SLCS_16

Score for each of measure items. (1--5)


All SLCS item responses can take integer values 1-5. The measure consists of two sub-scales: Self-Liking and Self-Competence, and the General Score can also be calculated. Below are the item numbers that are used for each sub-scale (R near the number means that the item need to be reversed.)

  • Self-Liking: 1R, 3, 5, 6R, 7R, 9, 11, 15R

  • Self-Competence: 2, 4, 8R, 10R, 12, 13R, 14, 16

  • General Score: All of the above items (they need to be reversed as in sub-scales)