added questionee_id argument to both Quetzio and QuetzioLink objects, as well as their initializers functions
questionee_id need to be a reactive holding identificator of the user
it is used when saving results to the googlesheets or getting them from object with Quetzio_get_df function
added name argument to Quetzio_get_df.QuetzioLink
you can now get data.frame of results from only one Quetzio linked by QuetzioLink by specifying it
shiny.quetzio 0.1.3
Provided functions to help in creation and handling underlying R6 classes
Quetzio_create and QuetzioLink_create to create objects
handy generics:
Quetzio_label_update for updating labels of Quetzio and QuetzioLink classes objects
Quetzio_value_update for updating selected values of Quetzio and QuetzioLink classes objects
Quetzio_get_df for getting the answers in form of data.frame from Quetzio and QuetzioLink classes objects
potential breaking changes with renaming classes and functions:
Quetzio R6 class in place of quetzio_server
QuetzioLink R6 class in place of quetzio_link_server
Quetzio_UI and QuetzioLink_UI functions to bind the UI of modules, instead of quetzio_UI and quetzio_link_UI
shiny.quetzio 0.1.2
added new question parameters for input types:
regex: allows for conditional checking the validity of questionee input. If matches the provided regex string: the input is valid
placeholder: character string to be shown before questionee inputs value
create: boolean - should the questionee be allowed to provide their own answer.
shiny.quetzio 0.1.1
fixed bug in likertRadioButtons, which made initial selection regardless of user choice in widget without placeholder
shiny.quetzio 0.1.0
adding custom shiny input: likertRadioButtons, which is fully supported by questionnaires created within shiny.quetzio, but can also be used outside of this context.
stability guaranteed by high coverage by testthat and shinytest packages
trio of vignettes decribing questionnaire creation with quetzio_server, updating by its class methods and linking with quetzio_link_server.
shiny.quetzio 0.0.14
added option to randomize item order with randomize_order = T argument during quetzio_server initialization
added possibility for default configuration in the form of raw list object, mirroring the structure of defaults from yaml file. Also, if the source is provided by feeding a list object in raw_method, both default configuration method works also.
created tests powered by shinytest and testthat. Used example provided by Ruben Fealens to record test coverage with shinyTest with codecov workflow.
shiny.quetzio 0.0.13
added multiple language support for messages generated internally and default submit button options - lang argument in quetzio_server. Currently only ‘en’ for English and ‘pl’ for Polish are supported. All contributions to add support for more languages are welcome!
custom_txts argument for quetzio_server also provide option to modify messages shown to end-user on the fly. Replaces previous argument of submit_labels, as it is now redundant.
you can also check what are the default texts for specified language and retrieve them outside of ‘shiny_quetzio’ with quetzio_txt function.
added option to mute the modalDialogs generated during questionnaire fillout
messages() object now contains information if there were any invalid inputs during submit
first vignettes detailing the usage of package are now provided
fixed bug that caused item labels to not update when the value provided in trigger was set before the questionnaire UI were rendered
shiny.quetzio 0.0.12
created numInput shiny widget - slightly modified numericInput to allow no initial value and placeholder text. All quetzios use it in place of vanilla one.
added examples of usage for main methods of quetzio_server and quetzio_link_server.
provided exemplary sources built-in to the package. Check quetzio_examples!
fixed wrong internal function call while during usage of update_values method.
shiny.quetzio 0.0.11
R6 methods update_values supports updating chosen values with external source
support for adding instructions for questionnaire from YAML, googlesheet or R object source has been added
shiny.quetzio 0.0.10
support for populating data with default values have been added, with source_yaml_default argument to the quetzio_server class initialization
shiny.quetzio 0.0.9
added update_labels method to quetzio_link_server class
polished the documentation and code for the update_labels methods
fixed the bug with ‘mandatory star’ disappearing on mandatory items when their label gets updated
shiny.quetzio 0.0.8
moved quetzio_list of quetzio_link_server from private to public. It is now easier to access separate questionnaires from there
added update_labels method to the quetzio_survey. You can now update labels of questionnaire items based on some external reactive().
works also with questionnaires linked by quetzio_link_server, though the call need to be made on the quetzio_server itself directly within observer: observe(quetzio_link_object$quetzio_list[['quetzio_name']]$update_labels(...))
the wrapper function for this functionality is considered
shiny.quetzio 0.0.7
selectizeInputs works better: by default they are using selectize.js and multiple = TRUE, which allows for empty initial value. Instead of specifying multiple, user can now specify maxItems, which indicates how many items can be specified. If left NULL, it allows for selecting all of the options.
invalid_input class is now added to the labels, not whole div. It remedies problem with selectizeInputs, which main div isn’t showing in the rendered state.
the default invalid_input css style is changed to color: red; font-style: italic;
shiny.quetzio 0.0.6
Made the link_id and render_ui arguments of linked quetzio_server modules set automatically: no need to specify it automatically any more!
shiny.quetzio 0.0.4
Rebuilding of the whole system for modules
Begin rebranding to shiny.quetzio
Removal of survey_module object and creating quetzio_server R6 object and Quetzio_UI function
shiny.quetzio 0.0.3
First production-ready version.
Added a file to track changes to the package.